
Hardyville, Ky 270-528-3683


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About Us


     In today's accelerated market, the auction method of selling real estate of every kind is rapidly coming into focus as the expedient means of converting assets into cash.


     At Crain Auction Co. we offer the most advanced methods of presentation for your property.  From marketing, to preparation, to clerical staff, a professionally conducted auction can mean the difference between an extended waiting period for a sale and the conversion of liabilities into assets on an immediate basis.


     Considered to be among the top twenty percent of the auction companies in the country, Crain Auction Co. has since its beginnings in 1977, specialized in real estate sales.  The main thrust of its business is in the Kentucky and Alabama area, but it has conducted auctions in many states and has done so regularly throughout the United States.


     We make every effort to answer your questions and explain all phases of the process to you before you sign any agreements.  Once you have decided to sell and you have agreed to the details of the agreement, it is signed and a date for the auction has been chosen, we will put into motion the preparation procedure for which Crain Auction Co. has become so well recognized.


     Because we believe each auction has an individual and unique character we approach each one in exactly that manner... individually.


     We maintain a wide variety of mailing lists.  If you'd like to be included on our file to receive all mailings or just those in which investment properties or say, antiques are offered we will be glad to include you.  Just call our office or leave your name with our cashier at one of the auctions.


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